Recognize your clients, and they'll recognize you
Hitfilm tweeted out my last concept test, making me feel all special and stuff.
I've been using Hitfilm 2 Ultimate for a little more than half a year now. Watching the tutorials that FxHome provides, and loving every moment of it. A while ago, I wrote a couple of pieces on the differences between Hitfilm and it's closest comparable product, After effects. Touching again on the aspect of community, something very cool happened yesterday.
I woke up, and checked my phone to see what had happened the night before. The folks at Hitfilm liked an ident concept test I did recently (the concept was actually for something quite different).
They liked it so much that in addition to tweeting it out, they featured it on the Hitfilm Movie Wall, where other works made with Hitfilm are featured. This is another example of the culture of Hitfilm. Rather than throw the software to the masses, and collect money, emphasis is placed on highlighting innovative and creative pieces produced with the software. Not only does each quality piece serve as an advertisement for the class of the software, but it reinforces the two-way street between the Hitfilm Team and Hitfilm Users. We're in a mutually beneficial relationship. They want to see us succeed as much as we want the software to grow.
It seems that, to Hitfilm, the users are just as important as the software.