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So, Comic-Con Happened...

And it was pretty sweet! My girlfriend and I went on Saturday to New York Comic Con and had a pretty awesome time. It was her first time going, so to see her face when she saw the hoards of con-goers in full costume, it was all quite cool. ​

One thing is for sure, It's gotten so big that it's at the borderline of not being enjoyable. While everyone was civil and apologetic, we did get jostled around quite a bit, and I had to hold on to her hand to make sure we didn't lose each other in the crowd. If someone had gotten bit by a zombie, we'd all be screwed. ​

While there, I saw Stan Lee behind glass, and Holly Conrad (@hollyconrad) and Jessica Marizan (@jessicamerizan) of Crabcat Industries. You may know them from Comic-Con Episode IV: A Fan's Hope, the Comic Con documentary that originally convinced my girlfriend to agree to go in the first place. She was wearing her signature N7 Armor which looks even more impressive in person than it does on screen. They were super nice, and I hope to continue to see their show, Try This At Home, for many seasons to come. ​

So, yeah, it was pretty sweet. I didn't score much swag, as I hate carrying stuff back home, and I have enough of a mess to clean up in the first place, but I did score a pretty sweet revolver, so there's that. Hopefully, I'll film something with it soon so that you can all see it!​

personalphil wesson